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SATOP Overview
Substance Awareness Traffic Offender Program
Assessment and Counseling Solutions is a state certified SATOP provider. ACS provides all levels of SATOP programming. The costs for all SATOP programs are determined by the state of Missouri. There is an assessment fee and a program fee. Depending on the level of SATOP required, there is a state-determined sliding scale system for financial assistance. SATOP is a two-part process; the first step is to call and schedule a SATOP assessment, which will take approximately one hour. Based on your assessment, you will be referred to an appropriate SATOP program. The second step is successful completion of the program to which you were referred.
There are four different levels of SATOP programs.
- Offender Education Program (OEP): this is a ten hour DWI education class. The purpose of this class is to educate DWI offenders who do not have an extensive history of DWI arrests or substance abuse. In this class you will learn about DWI laws, the impact of drinking and driving, and develop personal plans to avoid future drinking and driving offenses.
- Weekend Intervention Program (WIP): This is approximately 24 hours of service occurring between Friday evening and Sunday. The program is designed as an intensive education and intervention experience. Various topics related to substance abuse and drinking and driving are covered. There are group and individual counseling sessions throughout the weekend. Further details are provided upon registration.
- Clinical Intervention Program (CIP): this is a 50 hour certified outpatient treatment program that is completed in 6 to 7 weeks. The purpose is to address recurrent, problematic use of alcohol or drugs. It is a combination of group and individual counseling.
- Serious and Repeat Offender Program (SROP): this is a certified outpatient treatment program consisting of a minimum of 75 hours of treatment over a minimum of 90 days. This program is designed for individuals who meet criteria for substance use disorders. This program is also for individuals with multiple DWIs, or for anyone who has previously completed CIP. If needed or desired, with client consent, ACS can refer for Medication Assisted Treatment.
You can call us at 314-849-2800 to schedule your assessment or learn more here.

Anger Management
Everyone experiences anger from time to time. It’s a normal emotion. But intense or prolonged anger can jeopardize employment, relationships, education, and even freedom. Those who struggle to control their anger are increasingly finding their way to behavioral health professionals for assistance.
Anger and aggression are basic emotions that serve many purposes for everyone, but they are also the primary factors in placing stressors on relationships of all types. Anger is often a cover feeling for a variety of emotions a person may feel. Inappropriate anger and aggression often result in legal issues, physical problems (reciprocal injuries), civil law suits, and employment disruptions, as well as damaged relationships and reputations.
In our programs, individuals are asked to consider possible sources of their anger and aggression. We explore family of origin issues, role models, childhood and adolescence, self-esteem, and other possible contributing factors. Using a cognitive approach, clients are taught to own and be responsible for their feelings rather than blame others.
ASSESSMENT & COUNSELING SOLUTIONS offers services for the management of anger and aggression. We provide a monthly one-day class designed to fit the requirements of many court orders. We also provide individual and group counseling for anger and aggression management using a brief cognitive/behavioral counseling model.
Signs of problem anger:
- Constant frustration and anger despite efforts at change.
- Problems at work or in relationships due to anger.
- Avoidance of new events and people due to uncontrollable temper.
- Legal problems due to anger.
- Anger that has led to physical violence.
Substance Use Assessment and Counseling
ASSESSMENT & COUNSELING SOLUTIONS provides substance use assessments and treatment, including individual counseling, outpatient treatment, a relapse program and aftercare. Assessments can be scheduled for either personal or legal issues. We offer substance use counseling in either group or individual sessions. Primary group treatment programs meet twice weekly in either evening or morning sessions for the period of time assessed as necessary for the client. Aftercare groups meet once per week for 12 weeks. Program length can be kept flexible to meet client needs. We also provide assessments to satisfy court orders, probation requirements and attorney recommendations.
ASSESSMENT & COUNSELING SOLUTIONS is State of Missouri certified and our assessments are accepted by State courts and agencies. A release of information directing us to send a written assessment report to the involved party will be signed by the client.
ASSESSMENT & COUNSELING SOLUTIONS treats substance use disorders—not specific programs for specific drugs. We recognize that alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, and opiates are all substances that can be abused. While being fully aware of the specific impact of each of these substances, in group we emphasize the similarities of the problems caused rather than the differences. Groups provide clients with a sense of support and hope, counteracting the feeling of being alone with a problem and offering a variety of perspectives as well as solutions.
We also treat substance use issues in individual sessions. Some clients do well with initial individual sessions and then transition to a group program. Individual sessions also provide flexibility in scheduling as well as offering personal attention for issues more effectively resolved in a one-on-one situation.
- In addition to stopping drug abuse, the goal of treatment is to return people to productive functioning in the family, workplace, and community. According to research that tracks individuals in treatment over extended periods, most people who get into and remain in treatment stop using drugs, decrease their criminal activity, and improve their occupational, social, and psychological functioning.
—Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (Third Edition), National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse, December 2018
You can call us at 314-849-2800 to schedule your assessment or learn more here.

Individual Counseling
ASSESSMENT & COUNSELING SOLUTIONS provides individual counseling sessions for many personal issues. Although group counseling tends to be productive for clients in substance abuse programs, DWI education programs and anger management programs, traditional one on one counseling sessions are often the preferred method to provide counseling for many difficulties that people may experience. One on one sessions are more personal and focused. Clients experience an array of difficulties and it is often helpful to discuss these with an objective professional.
At ASSESSMENT & COUNSELING SOLUTIONS we understand that although it is often difficult to call and make an appointment for counseling, you will probably find that it is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your family. When the problems continue to surface after you and those close to you have tried to resolve them, it is time to seek some help. Knowing when to seek help is a sign of strength – not weakness.
The counseling professionals at ASSESSMENT & COUNSELING SOLUTIONS see clients for many personal issues such as anxiety, depression, stress, family frustrations, codependency, gambling problems, and relationship difficulties. In one on one sessions the focus is on the individual for the full session. We will always start the process with procedures to assess and focus on clearly defining the reason for seeking help. We generally use cognitive behavioral counseling methods and adhere to the brief counseling model whenever possible. Some clients see us for longer periods of time, but most cite significant progress with a brief counseling model.
Compulsive Gambling Treatment
The BetNoMore gambling program in association with ASSESSMENT & COUNSELING SOLUTIONS, provides services at no cost to residents of Missouri, provides virtual individual, group, and family counseling on an outpatient basis for clients experiencing difficulty with their gambling. The Missouri Department of Behavioral Health recognizes that devastating financial issues are usually a significant result of a gambling problem. All services are fully state funded regardless of financial status. Modest fees are charged for non-Missouri residents.
Assessment, referral , intervention, and consultation with families are available. Counseling is provided for the individual with the gambling problem, family members, or both.
Daniel L. Smith, LCSW, CCGC, a nationally recognized and certified compulsive gambling counselor, is the program director of BetNoMore Gambling Programs.As a board-approved clinical consultant for the International Gambling Counselor Certification Board, Dan teaches and trains widely throughout the United States, and is a well-known advocate for problem gamblers.
You can call us at 314-849-2800 to schedule your assessment or learn more here.

Drug Testing
Drug testing is the only objective, reliable, and valid means of determining whether an individual is using drugs of abuse. Assessment and Counseling Solutions (ACS) has provided drug testing since our founding in 2003, partnering with Redwood Labs and Quest Diagnostics for laboratory services. Our lab service providers use drug-testing procedures certified by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Professional toxicologists perform the drug test screening and confirmation with state of the art technology and equipment.
Drug testing at ACS is a simple process. Call for an appointment 314-849-2800, 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Thursday and 9:30 AM to Noon on Friday—the entire process usually takes 20 minutes or less. Pricing is determined by the type of drug testing required and is value focused. Because test results are completely confidential, a release of information will be required in order for results to be sent to the requesting party. Laboratory results are usually available in 5 to 7 days.
ACS offers a full array of professional drug screens. Our tests utilize either standard urinalysis for 7 to 10 primary drugs of abuse or hair sampling (reflecting up to a 3-month use history) for 7 primary drugs of abuse. Drug-specific testing is also available for most drugs, including synthetics (K2, “spice,” “bath salts”) and steroids. Laboratory results are usually available in 5 to 7 days.
ACS also offers in-house instant drug testing utilizing a 14-panel urine drug screen for fentanyl, K2, ETG alcohol, and 11 other drugs of abuse, with results in about 5 minutes. Instant drug tests are also available to be purchased for personal in-home use. Oral swab saliva testing is available at ACS, but is generally most effective in determining recent (48 to 72 hours) drug use only.
You can call us at 314-849-2800 to schedule your assessment or learn more here.

Department of Transportation (D.O.T.) Services
Assessment and referral services are provided by an independent D.O.T.-certified counselor. These services are generally required as a result of a D.O.T. violation that may involve a positive drug or alcohol screening. Clients are required to see a D.O.T.-certified counselor for an assessment, who will then recommend a level of education or treatment. Clients are generally not allowed to return to safety-sensitive positions until the recommended requirement is completed.
Variations in the D.O.T. requirements are determined by the D.O.T. professional completing the assessment. An assessment can usually be performed within a day or two of the request. ACS also accepts referrals for education and treatment from other Substance Abuse Professionals (SAPs).
You can call us at 314-849-2800 to schedule your assessment or learn more here.